
Képzésekkel, felvételi eljárással kapcsolatban:

Email: felveteli@sze.hu

Telefon: +36 70 646 3106; +36 70 646 3108

Időpontfoglalás tanácsadásra

Szakirányú továbbképzésekkel, tanfolyamokkal kapcsolatban keresse az adott képzés leírásában található kapcsolattartót vagy a Felnőttképzési Központot!

application form

training name: Winter Seminar * 
Are you an active student at Széchenyi University? * 

Name * 
Neptun code * 
E-mail adress * 
Surname * 
First name * 
Name at birth * 
Gender * 

Date of birth * 
Country of birth * 
County of birth * 
City of birth * 
Mother's name * 
Tax identification number  
TAJ number  
Citizenship * 
Date of acquiring citizenship * 
Personal identification number (Passport number for foreign participants) * 
Bank account number * 
Postal code * 
City * 
County * 
Country * 
Street and house no. * 
Contact address (if different from the permanent address)  
Phone number * 
Email address * 
Where did you hear about the programme? * 

Where did you hear about the programme? * 
I expressly consent to Széchenyi István University processing my data provided on this application form for specific purposes related to the admission procedure. I also acknowledge that if I am not admitted to the applied program, Széchenyi István University, as the data controller, is obligated to ensure the deletion of data from the database. * 
I expressly consent to Széchenyi István University using my name and email address from the data provided here indefinitely for the purpose of sending me information related to Széchenyi István University. This consent is valid until revoked, and you can revoke it by submitting a written request to the Adult Education and Competence Development Centre.  
Bank transfer statement
Max. méret 6Mb

Please transfer the amount to account number 10300002-10801842-00014908. Your reference: Winter Seminar fee 2025, your name & ID number or passport number & date of birth

payer's name * 
payer's address * 
payer's tax identification number or tax number * 
payer's bank account number *